July 6, 2016 | Upcoming Events

Festigals 2016 is almost here, and we couldn’t be more excited!  But, there’s still time to sign up.  Events will be happening all weekend long (July 28-30). 

For those of you who don’t already know about Festigals, think about it like New Orleans’ ultimate one-of-a-kind getaway for women. It kicks off Thursday, but runs through Sunday.  You can sign up for a package that covers all the activities, or buy tickets just to the ones that interest you. 

Here is a general rundown of what will be happening: 

Friday:  Friday is Sessions for Success, where you will stimulate your mind with intelligent and invigorating sessions.  Festigals 2016 is almost here, and we couldn’t be more excited!  Today is the first day attendees can check-in, but there’s still time to sign up.  Events will be happening all weekend long (July 28-31). 

For those of you who don’t already know about Festigals, think about it like New Orleans’ ultimate one-of-a-kind getaway for women. It kicks off Friday and runs through Sunday.  You can sign up for a package that covers all the activities, or buy tickets just to the ones that interest you. 

Here is a general rundown of what will be happening: 

Friday:  Friday is Sessions for Success, where you will stimulate your mind with intelligent and invigorating sessions.  Starting at 9:15 a.m., the conference features a full day of awesome speakers. With seminars ranging from social media to sex and leadership lessons to ladies in music, there really is something for everyone at these sessions.

Saturday: Start your Saturday with a breakfast of New Orleans champions. That’s right, ladies, the day kicks off with a Bloody Mary mixer. 

However, our two favorite events happening Saturday are: Bodacious Bras for a Cause Luncheon & Auction and the Stiletto Stroll & After Glow Party.  If you haven’t seen this year’s bras yet, they are amazing.  And if last year’s stiletto stroll is any indication of what this year’s is going to be like, then you really can’t miss it.  We had a blast, and everyone on Bourbon Street played along.

The full event schedule is on the Festigals website.  If you attend any of the events, then please share them with us on Facebook and Twitter, or tag us on Instagram (@experienceneworleans).